cluster generate push combines generate and push.
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The cluster-gen-push command combines the functionality of cluster-generate and cluster-push. First the script generates an optimized configuration, and then it sets the configuration in CDH. This is useful when you know the optimized service configurations work and there is no need to review them.

Command line options

Here are command line options for cluster-push:

$ cluster-generate-push --help
usage: cluster-generate-push [-h] [--formula FORMULA]
                             [--formula-args FORMULA_ARGS] --update-cdh
                             {no,yes} --restart-cdh {no,yes}
                             [--conflict-merge {interactive,user,generated}]
                             --host HOST [--port PORT] [--username USERNAME]
                             [--password PASSWORD] [--cluster CLUSTER]
                             [--path PATH]
                             [--log {INFO,DEBUG,WARNING,FATAL,ERROR}]

Auto generate various CDH configurations based on system resources

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --formula FORMULA     Auto generation formula file. Defaults to
  --formula-args FORMULA_ARGS
                        formula arguments to possibly override constants in
  --update-cdh {no,yes}
                        Should we update CDH with all configurations in
  --restart-cdh {no,yes}
                        Should we restart CDH services after configuration
  --conflict-merge {interactive,user,generated}
                        When encountering merge conflicts between the
                        generated configuration() and the user configuration()
                        what value should we default to? The 'user',
                        'generated', or 'interactive'resolution
  --host HOST           Cloudera Manager Host
  --port PORT           Cloudera Manager Port
  --username USERNAME   Cloudera Manager User Name
  --password PASSWORD   Cloudera Manager Password
  --cluster CLUSTER     Cloudera Manager Cluster Name if more than one cluster
                        is managed by Cloudera Manager.
  --path PATH           Directory where we can save/load configurations files.
                        Defaults to working directory /home/rodorad/Documents
                        Log level [INFO|DEBUG|WARNING|FATAL|ERROR]

Unique Options

cluster-generate-push has all the unique options of cluster-generate and cluster-push, as follows:

  • formula path to formula file if not using the default packaged formula.
  • formula-args path to formula arguments to tweak some of the formulas output.
  • –update-cdh: Whether you would like to update CDH configurations. Either yes or no. This is a required option.
  • –restart-cdh: Whether you would like to restart CDH after updating its configuration. Either yes or no. This is a required option.
  • –conflict-merge: Conflict resolution preference when encountering key conflicts between cdh.json and user-cdh.json. Defaults to user-cdh.json. Valid values are [user, generated, interactive]


See cluster-generate cluster-push for examples.
